Sj Halloween Free Joomla Plugin Now Available for Joomla 3.9.22

Joomla Views: 449 Added Date: October 12, 2020 SmartAddons Like
Joomla News: Sj Halloween Free Joomla Plugin Now Available for Joomla 3.9.22
Are you finding something scary to decorate your website in Halloween days? Sj Halloween plugin is all you need. This Joomla plugin is simple but effective for decorating your website in Halloween days. Specially, it is FREELY to all of you

SJ Halloween provides lots of characters to display on the frontend. Besides, you can freely customize the popup banner to present you message, promotion... The easy-to-use backend interface allows you to totally control any module's parameters.

Let's take a look on the Demo and grab this free Joomla extension now!

# Main Features
1. Support Responsive layout
2. Fully compatible with IE9+, Firefox 2+, Flock 0.7+, Netscape, Safari, Opera 9.5, Chrome.
3. Allow to choose characters which will be displayed on the frontend
4. Allow to set time of cookie and time displaying popup
5. Allow to show/hide banner large
6. Allow to set the time off popup
7. Allow to show/hide character/Close button/small Banner
8. Allow to customize CSS for small/large banner
9. Allow to set place holder for large banner and small banner
10. Allow to set Link for class sj_halloween_link in param Content Halloween
11. Allow to set width/height of image
12. Allow to set content which will be displayed on the frontend
13. Allow you to include Jquery OR NOT



VERSION 1.0.2 - Released on 12-October-2020

+ Updated to Joomla 3.9.22

+ Added Function: Select the Menu to display

+ Added Exclude URLs to specify which URLs you want to exclude from caching

+ Fixed Bug

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