Best VirtueMart Extensions for Building Joomla eCommerce Sites

Joomla Views: 619 Added Date: March 11, 2021 SmartAddons Like
Joomla News: Best VirtueMart Extensions for Building Joomla eCommerce Sites

As we known that VirtueMart is one of the most popular eCommerce solution for Joomla. It provides a huge number of eCommerce features to set up an online shop.

Beside VM default features, SmartAddons have developed a number of Joomla extensions for VirtueMart which are well styled to adapt any kind of online store. These Joomla modules, plugins also are integrated in our VirtueMart templates that bring the complete eCommerce webshop for your users.

In this article, we would like to collect 5 best must-have VirtueMart extensions and the Joomla website templates are using them. Then you will have a closer look on these extensions.


Best VirtueMart Extensions for Building Joomla eCommerce Sites


1. Sj MiniCart Pro


Top 10 Best Joomla VirtueMart Templates in 2021


Powered by VirtueMart component, SJ MiniCart Pro enables elegant checkout process. Whatever your Website is selling, this Joomla extension will increase conversion rate, much more greater, by bringing your Website a mini bar with all function of an e-cart. Less steps that customers have to do when checking out, more products you sell! Basically, this VirtueMart extension is a nice bar presenting status of the shopping basket that your customers have made during the selection process.

Highlight Features:

  • Responsive layout
  • Open Cart Detail by hover
  • Change width of Cart detail
  • Change height of product list
  • Show label and attribute of products in Cart Detail
  • Show Coupon Form
  • Show buttons for Go To Cart and Checkout
  • 4 modes for resizing images
  • Change width/height of images of products

Joomla Templates Using Sj MiniCart Pro:




2. Sj Filter for VirtueMart


Top 10 Best Joomla VirtueMart Templates in 2021


SJ Filter for Virtuemart - A high-performance module for VM component. The module displays some criteria for users choosing, it will filter and return the exact products according to the chosen fields. This module provides a wide range of filtering parameters according to categories, manufactures, product price or you can custom your own fields filters such as: color, size, material, cap size... Users can easily choose filter fields from drop-down lists. You can filter the products by one or several fields.

Highlight Features:

  • Set the number of products to display
  • Display Categories, Manufactures, Price and Custom Fields
  • Select categories for filtering
  • Set number products in each filter option
  • Sort product order by: Product Name, SKU, Category, Manufacture name
  • Drop down list for filter fields
  • Set min, max price for price range filtering
  • Add custom fields: size, color, weave, cap size and etc
  • Caching to make your website load faster

Joomla Templates Using Sj Filter for VM:




3. Sj Search Pro for Virtuemart


Top 10 Best Joomla VirtueMart Templates in 2021


SJ Search Pro for VirtueMart is a great module for any VirtueMart stores. The module will help the visitors to quickly and easily find the needed products based on keyword search. Specially, visitors don't have to wait for reloading the whole searching results page.When users start to type the keyword, the products which include the inserted letter will be beautifully suggested with image thumbnail, name, category and price.

Highlight Features:

  • Set the number of the search suggestion
  • Set the number of character that will return the suggestion
  • Show/hide the Image thumbnail/Category/Price for search suggestion
  • Get image from various sources
  • Set the image output type
  • Set width/height for product image
  • Change background color for images
  • Include class suffix
  • Resizing image of product/category: Center, Fill, Stretch, Fit, None

Joomla Templates Using Sj Search Pro for VM:








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