If you want to minimize your time, cost and maximize the effort of your Joomla websites, here are top 10 most useful free Joomla extensions to install right away.
These Joomla extensions are totally free for downloading and using. Lets walk through these free Joomla extensions and find your optimal solution.
SJ Basic News is a simple free Joomla module for content component. It helps you show the category of articles according to your preference. Especially, this module supports responsive layout. To have a closer look about this module, please kindly check our demo.
For those building entertainment or portal Website with Joomla!, this Free Joomla extension - SJ Video Box is very useful to help you show any type of video with title, description and thumbnail. Your Website will be more attractive with this module, and more traffic then.
SJ Video Box features a navigation by image to go through all videos you have set up in admin. Simplicity is its strength. For advanced development, in order to integrate into Joomla! websites with responsive layout, this module has been built with bootstrap to offer flexible layout. You can set up many things from back-end with many parameters to be chosen such as auto play, total items to display, SEO text....
SJ Xmas is a free Joomla extension which displays falling snow along with beautiful Christmas images upon interesting effects. You can use this module to decorate your website to be more glistening and attractive. Especially, SJ Xmas supports to display a delighted popup that you can use to display the promotions, events or any message in Christmas days. You are able to customize what to display: images, text, popup size and position...
SJ Image Slider - a FREE Joomla module for image displaying, is now available for Joomla 3.x. This module can be placed on a highlighted position to impress your products professionally. For each screen resolution, you can custom the number of column displaying to fit your website layout. The module lets you totally control every items so you can set the title, sort description and link to item's detail page.
Based on famous slider modules we have released, SJ Carousel is free Joomla extension for showcasing. With responsive layout and built with powerful library, this can be integrated into any types of project from small to large, certainly with Joomla! powered inside.
SJ Carousel includes one main area for images of articles, along with buttons next/previous for easier navigation. Focusing on images, this module has many parameter to set images and effects up. Besides, we can also show small text title and intro text if needed.
SJ VirtueMartis a free responsive Joomla extension which is easy to configure and use. You can use this module to high-light some VitueMart products in your chosen categories. Some important details can be tweaked as well.
With these free Joomla extensions, you can build a powerful website with useful & exciting features. We also integrate them to our some Joomla templates in order to bring the best experience to our customers. Above are not all the best free Joomla extensions that we can mention. You can browse for all » premium Joomla extensions and » free Joomla extensions to explore more.
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