Discover user account features in DJ-Classifieds

Joomla Views: 490 Added Date: May 17, 2021 Joomla-Monster Like
Joomla News: Discover user account features in DJ-Classifieds

We have prepared a tutorial article to explain step by step the possibilities to configure user account in DJ-Classifieds.

It's an extensive, highly configurable feature with many different views available. 

Learn how to manage the "My Account" section in DJ-Classifieds.

Let's see the list of available My Account views:

  • Favorites - displays user's favorite ads
  • User bids - displays ads where the user placed a bid
  • User items - displays all ads submitted by the user
  • User orders history - displays the user's order history through the "Buy Now" option
  • Sales history - displays the user's sales history through the "Buy Now" option
  • User points - displays points packages and the number of points owned by the user
  • User subscription plans - displays the user's subscription plans
  • Offers received - displays received offers for user's ads
  • Offers submitted - displays offers posted by the user
  • Saved search - displays saved search criteria  

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