UPDATE JM JoomAdvertising Joomla classifieds template ver 1.09

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Joomla News: UPDATE JM JoomAdvertising Joomla classifieds template ver 1.09

JM Joomadvertising Joomla template updated to version 1.09.

This update comes with few improvements, bug fixes, and the new version of Joomla and extensions.  

JM JoomAdvertising Improvements

  • Style and theme adjustments for the latest version of DJ-Classifieds
  • Search autocomplete styles improvements
  • Added support for Credits option in template params
  • Improved display of User Items in mobile
  • Improved component.php file for print view
  • Replaced "see all ads" with language constant in DJ-Classifieds Category Tree module

Improvements related to the latest DJ-Classifieds 

DJ-Classifieds, the Joomla ads extension has been updated to version 3.8.1 with 37 new features and 44 fixes. Introduced changes significantly improve the capabilities of the Joomla classifieds component.

The Joomla classifieds template brings you everything you need to start an online classified or auction website. 

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