Joomla Template Genius is suitable for any kind of creative or business use. Clean and responsive design that comes with rich tools and options to make creating website incredibly simple.
- Joomla 3.x Quickstart package included
- Built on twitter Bootstrap Framework
- 100% Fully responsive
- Clean and W3C valid code
- Built with HTML5 and CSS3
- Stunning CSS3 animation effects
- Supported by All major browser
- SEO Optimized
-h1-h6 tags for titles of pages and blog posts
- Simple template admin panel
- Boxed and Wide layout
-Choose wide or boxed layout from admin panel
- Custom backgrounds for boxed layout version
-Upload custom background images and patterns
-Options for 100% background image and background repeat options
- 6 pre-installed color schemes
- Social icons
- Google Analytics Tracking Code
- Logo uploader
- Advanced Typography Options and Google fonts
-Set the font family, weight, size and color for all fonts from admin panel
- Support All FontAwesome Icons
- Support Thin Line Icon Font
- Fully featured K2 blog
- Advanced Slideshow module
-Simple and intuitive
-Fully responsive
-Support touch swipe navigation
-Drag and drop image uploader
-Fully responsive
- Advanced Portfolio Options
-Portfolio 2, 3, 4 columns grid; Image filtering by category
-Drag and drop image uploader
-Fully responsive
-Stunning hover effects
- Contact us page
- Advanced page elements
-Accordions and toggle
-Call To Action
-Fontawesome icons
-Icon combinations
-Icon combinations vertical
-Line icons
-Pricing Tables
- Documentation included
-Include documentation which describes each element of the template
- Regular updates, bug fixing and new features
- Used Joomla Extensions