Special Offer for the upcoming week

Joomla Views: 1222 Added Date: March 05, 2015 Joomla-Monster Like
Joomla News: Special Offer for the upcoming week


Three Joomla templates are available 30% off for the next 7 days.

Check them out.





Responsive Joomla! 3 template purposed for beauty salons or similar services.

Template is based on our powerful EF3 Framework.


With DJ-Flyer extension you'll be able to create your beauty center offers.

With DJ-MediaTools extension you'll be ablot to create image and articles gallery or slides.


DJ-Flyer & DJ-MediaTools & DJ-MegaMenu extensions are included for FREE.





JM News Portal


Responsive Joomla 3 template is the best choice for news portal or modern magazine website.


Contains the  light and minimalistic design.


Present your ads in a professional way with DJ-Classifieds component implemented here.


DJ-Classifieds extension is included for FREE with this template.




JM Starter 


Responsive, multipurpose Joomla 3 template with minimalist but professional design.


Designed for business websites on development phase and for bigger companies as well.


Uses the EF3 powerful Framework.


DJ-MediaTools, DJ-MegaMenu and DJ-Suggester extensions are included for FREE.


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