Joomla Views: 1425 Added Date: October 02, 2015 RSJoomla! Like
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Looks aren't everything, but they do make a difference. Even the slightest change might affect how users behave on certain pages. We took the time, listened to your feedback and RSDirectory! got itself an update.

Having a look at the RSDirectory! 1.6.0 changelog might be intimidating, but this will prove that we did take the time to set things right and solve some of the reported inconveniences no matter how small. In fact, there were lots of them, small but for some of you these proved annoying.

We worked hard on this particular update and we have been testing it for a while. If you notice anything out of place, please don't hesitate to contact our Tech-support department. We are humans you know. Let's get down to it then.


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