Check the DJ-Tabs update!

Joomla Views: 1192 Added Date: November 04, 2015 Joomla-Monster Like
Joomla News: Check the DJ-Tabs update!

Latest DJ-Tabs content tabs for Joomla brings big changes.


What was added? First of all the tabs extension has now a K2 Support! You can also navigate through tabs with arrows (new option), use tab key on the keyboard (WCAG compliance) or refresh control panel.


The full list of new features and changes you can see here.


For more informations about DJ-Tabs click here: - tab component for Joomla


You can find there also a 20% discount coupon code for DJ-Tabs and all Joomla extensions bundles containing this Joomla tabs solution.


The offer is valid till Sunday 08.November 2015 (23:59 CEST)

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