DJ-Catalog2 updated with bunch of new features!

Joomla Views: 975 Added Date: March 04, 2016 DJ-Extensions Like
Joomla News: DJ-Catalog2 updated with bunch of new features!

We've just released DJ-Catalog2 Joomla catalog system version 3.5.3.

This update brings new fantastic features and fixes some issues found by our users.

New features are:

  • New DJ-MediaTools slideshow for Joomla integration - now you can display product images as DJ-MediaTools layout. 
  • Registered users can see list of their queries.
  • Authors of the products (product owners) can be notified about the query made about their products. 
  • Possibility to display prices in query cart
  • Use Joomla's Smart Search (autocomplete) feature with DJ-Catalog2
  • and many more

See the complete changelog for this version here.


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