DJ-Classifieds update to version 3.4.3

Joomla Views: 1395 Added Date: March 18, 2016 DJ-Extensions Like
Joomla News: DJ-Classifieds update to version 3.4.3

We've just updated the DJ-Classifieds Joomla ads extension to 3.4.3 version.

Of course it brings some new features. The most important are:

  • Image Rotator
  • Google Maps API Keys
  • Menu/Categories module updated     
  • Items module improved
  • Button to edit profile

More information about new features you can find in the blog article about the DJ-Classifieds 3.4.3 update.

We've also fixed some problems found by users in 3.4.2 version.
You can check the whole changelog for this version.

Build a classified ads website quickly! Read the tutorial and learn how to do it.

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