100 Purchases! Photographer template celebrate 100 Purchases!

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Joomla News: 100 Purchases! Photographer template celebrate 100 Purchases!

"Design is not just what it looks like and feels like. Design is how it works."

Steve Jobs.

Today Photographer portfolio template celebrate 100 purchases. How we have achived that? Today we will tell you what is our approach to the work, what is the main for us in the developing of the product and also tell about the features of the template. 

Every feature is very important in the developing of the product - like fonts, extensions, colors and design. Simplicity attracts people. Everyone is tired of complicated design, where there is not so much to focus on. Customers don’t want to spend their time finding out how to do the installation or to use the extensions. The customer also doesn't want to hire a developer and to spend more money to install the product on the site. We are focusing on the fact, that even with basic skills in development you can install our products on your own. We are working on admin area so that its use is intuitively understandable and the adding of the content is clear. We are improving our products, testing them, collecting information about users, fixing bugs all the time to achieve high quality. And our products are improving with us.

Photographer - is one of those products.

Due to fact that Photographer is one page portfolio template it provides such an ease of use. You always find all  the information needed at once, you don't have to follow links, surfing from one section to another…  how boring it is!..., you just have to scroll the page down and you will see everything… how wonderful it is! The owners of tablets understand me. This portfolio template focuses on photo artist, because it is very important, that the works are immediately in sight, and in our one page template you just scroll down and...Here they are.

Fonts - they are perfectly developed, not an every portfolio template has them. Colors are beautiful, we have gathered information about what colors are perceived by the person best of all  and identified these four:green, blue, black and multicolor. After accessing the demo you will see, that colors are very pleasant, don't cause aggression, could be watched all day.

What else could be said about this simple portfolio template if it is also responsive...plus we place the map and contact form.

At last... amazing simple OS Touch Slider, which allow upload images due to drag'n'drop function, turning into a pleasant game, you can even place the video from youtube or vimeo. The template turned out as well as we thought, simple and intuitively clear.

Thanks to everyone who participated in this event. We appreciated every our client.

Reviews (1):


congrats on such a lovely template!

08 October 03:38

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