DJ-Classifieds 3.5 - what will change, new App "Coupons" + closed Beta

Joomla Views: 794 Added Date: July 26, 2016 Like
Joomla News: DJ-Classifieds 3.5 - what will change, new App
DJ-Classifieds Joomla ads extension version 3.5 stable comes soon!

See the (not complete - as we'll ad some more ‪features‬) list what will be added/changed/fixed and what we have for now.

We will also provide a new ‪‎app‬ - Coupons - useful to generate ‪coupons‬ for ‪‎users‬.

Are you an active ‪‎subscriber‬? Want to test the Beta version? Let us know


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