Flat. The road to simplicity.

Joomla Views: 2410 Added Date: September 30, 2013 admin Like
Joomla News: Flat. The road to simplicity.

Many web designers now have stood on the road, that will give them popularity and profit. The flat design road, the road to simplicity. Some web designers are on that road for a long time, looks like they felt that it will give them more popularity. And they were right. Recently a huge number of flat design templates appeared. Such developers as Gavick with theirs "Creativity", JoomlaShine with "Metro", Ordasoft with "Flat Pixel", JoomlArt with "JA Onepage" and more others are fully using flat design. And really, for what bother and draw each icon with large number of layers and gradients, for what complicate your life, if you can make product easier and clearer to the eye, while spending less time and get more money. Adds confidence that giants such as Apple have redesigned its product, IOS, which was the standard design throughout the world, in Flat. Flat becoming not just a form of desing, it is becoming the way of life and working. And it is your choice whether to follow it or not.

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