How to make your Joomla site multilingual

Joomla Views: 3333 Added Date: October 15, 2013 ordasoft Like
Joomla News: How to make your Joomla site multilingual

The importance of creating multilingual site can't be overestimated. If you are interested in attracting foreign audience on your website, you have to ensure easy access in different languages. Internationalization of websites not only makes your site understandable for a global audience, but also help to attract additional traffic on account of SEO friendliness in different languages.

There are two ways of making your Joomla website multilingual – do it by yourself or use Joomla extension that will make automatic translation for you.

In the first variant you have to install needed additional language, enable plugin Language Filter and configure it, then create Menu for languages that you chose and make Language Switcher. More information about how to create multilingual site you can see in PRESENTATION and VIDEO TUTORIAL 

But you should remember, first you have translate your content on all languages that you going to implement, as this variant does not imply an automatic translation.

Another way of making site multilingual is use the extension of automatic translation. One of the most highly valued extensions in JED is Sef Translate by OrdaSoft. You need just install this extension on Joomla 1.5 – 3.0 website, choose languages (as much as you want – up to 80 languages) and SEF translate make all translations automatically using Google and Bing translators. Sure, automatic translation is not perfect, but you can manually translate any part of the content of your site in Sef translate admin area. Also Sef Translate helps to make your Joomla website more friendly to search engine, as it allows you creating a complete site map in 80 languages with such components as XMap, JooMap, JM Sitemap and translating meta tags (title, description, keywords).


Sef Translate

SEF Translate is combination of component SEF Translate and module SEF Translate for automatic translation websites. It supports Bing and Google Translation API key. The component SEF translate provides three algorithm of translating, so you can easily choose the most suitable for you. Sef Translate provides possibility to save pages to Database and to File. In the case of saving cache to DataBase - you will save quota and increase the speed of translation. SEF Translate permits making translation content with help AJax or with help Redirect.

You can DOWNLOAD free version of SEF Translate and test by yourself how it works. Make your Joomla site multilingual with our SEF Translate. 


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