Discovery Joomla 4 News Features and Release Plan

Joomla Views: 793 Added Date: September 15, 2017 SmartAddons Like
Joomla News: Discovery Joomla 4 News Features and Release Plan

Joomla 4 - the next Joomla generation will introduce new features, raise the minimum supported PHP version to PHP 7, Media Manager rebuilt as well as remove previously deprecated functionality. Joomla 4.0 uses Joomla! Framework 2.0 and new core User Interface bases on Bootstrap 4.

Joomla! 4 is not intended to provide a massive ground up refactor of Joomla! but intended to give us large functionality improvements with limited backward compatibility breaks.

Primary New Features Introduced to Joomla! 4.0.

  • New core UI based on Bootstrap 4
  • Use of more Joomla! Framework packages
  • Refactored event management system
  • Introduction of a service container for global dependency management/injection
  • Removal of jQuery from core
  • Introduction of Framework agnostic Web Components
  • Faster page loading times

Development Features in Joomla! 4.0.

  • MVC layer Improvements
  • Full code namespacing
  • User Interface:
    • Frontend Template: Aurora
    • Backend Template: Atum
  • New Media Manager
  • Framework 2.0

Joomla Framework 2.0 Main Features

  • New Renderer package providing support for rendering templates with many popular PHP libraries (including Twig, Mustache, and Blade)
  • New Console package for building command line applications
  • Refactored Cache package providing support for both the PSR-6 and PSR-16 caching interfaces
  • Refactored Dependency Injection package, including support for the PSR-11 container interface
  • Refactored HTTP package providing support for PSR-7 Requests and Responses
  • Refactored Router package
  • Refactored Session package

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