JoomlaViews: 1575Added Date: October 03, 2017AdolphLike
There are many awesome free web templates which you can download for free - but how to choose one of them?
The first thing that you have to do is choose right category (your CMS). You cannot install template or extension from different CMS. If you have Joomla you can install on it only joomlas extensions and templates.
Second thing - will decide on yours website theme. if you have musical or food thematics of your website we suggest you choose Template with same theme, because when you install template - it’s means that you want to use all designer experience, so don't limit yourself. (but it isn’t strict rule, it is only advice)
Not all template developers are good designers, so we suggest to monitoring our “TOP of the best templates/extensions for… “ in our news section.
You have to make sure thats extension or template is fits your CMS version.
You have to make sure that is template is correctly displayed on all devices and browsers.
Check thats All functions and features are working - if not, you can always connect with developers and tell them about problem. In general, support of Template dev are interested in immediately bug fixed.
Make certain that features are responds modern trends in web design, you don’t want that your new responsive website looks outdated, do you?
Good template it is just half of deal… so you have to take care of your content. Good or even awesome template will not attract new visitors, if your website is empty.
If you want that about your website will known in your sphere, you have to care about oriented on SEO optimisation.
Template brings you esthetic pleasure. Remember your website it is space where you will spend a lot of time, so it have to be space where you want to return.