Joomla 4 vs Joomla 3 in Comparison: The New Stage of Joomla

Joomla Views: 611 Added Date: April 03, 2018 SmartAddons Like
Joomla News: Joomla 4 vs Joomla 3 in Comparison: The New Stage of Joomla

Joomla 4 is coming soon with the preparation of Joomla 4 Alpha release. It's an expected evolution with huge improvements from user experience, code quality to functionality. We've made a comparison table between Joomla 3 and Joomla 4. Therefore, you will have a close look on these two Joomla versions.


Joomla 4 vs Joomla 3 in Comparison

Installation Joomla 4 also comes with 3 installing steps but with friendly User Interface and will add more options during the installation. Joomla 3 installation process includes 3 steps: configuration, database and overview, it is quite pleasant to use.
Boostrap Joomla 4 has been being developed with Bootstrap 4. Everything is now faster and more responsive. Joomla 3 uses Bootstrap 2 that is out of date now.
LESS and SASS Joomla 4 uses Bootstrap 4, therefore it is developed with SASS (Syntactically Awesome Stylesheets). Joomla 3 was developed with LESS (Leaner Style Sheets) as it integrated Bootstrap 2.
Minimum PHP
Joomla 4 requires PHP 7 + which supposes 2x faster performance and more secure. As you known, Joomla 3 requires minimum PHP version PHP 5.3 +.
Responsiveness By supporting Bootstrap 4, you can create a better responsive and mobile-first projects on the web. Joomla 3 also supports responsive but it is incompletely satisfactory for users.
Codebase In comparison with Joomla 3, Joomla 4 focuses more on core codebase which is much optimized and cleaner. With current code quality, Joomla 3 has reached a good performance. However, it can be optimized to be better.
Security Joomla 4 will add more security features such as support for prepared SQL statements and more. Joomla 3 introduced lots of features for security since released and it is continuously and quickly updated to fix the security problems.
Frontend template Joomla 4 only has 1 front-end template named Cassiopeia that is newly developed and based on Bootstrap 4 and SASS CSS. Joomla 3 supports 2 front-end templates named: Beez 3 and Protostar.
In Joomla 4, it use Atum as backend template that is built with Bootstrap 4 and SASS. It appears with left sidebar menu, similar as in WordPress. Joomla 3 also supports 2 admin templates: Hathor and Isis. They are both based on Bootstrap 2, LESS CSS.
Media Manager Media Manager in Joomla 4 is totally rebuilt with some awesome features: drag-and-drop image uploading, multi-files upload, image edition: rename, crop, resize, rotate. Joomla 3 misses a number of useful functionalities: 1 file upload, no editor.
Mootools Joomla 4 will remove Mootools in order to avoid code conflicts and for better performance. Joomla 3 support Mootools and JQuery libraries .

The above features are not all about new improvements in Joomla 4. But they are highlight features which are most being waited for. We believe that with these changes, Joomla 4 will bring a totally new progression and make Joomla be great again. To prepare for the release of Joomla 4, SmartAddon have been starting to update our products to latest Joomla version and Joomla 4 Alpha. You can browsing for: Responsive Joomla Templates and Premium Joomla Extensions now.

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