Mega Update - Astroid Framework, 2 Joomla Extensions and 5 Joomla Templates Updated to Joomla 3.8.10

Joomla Views: 1285 Added Date: July 18, 2018 joomdev Like
Joomla News: Mega Update - Astroid Framework, 2 Joomla Extensions and 5 Joomla Templates Updated to Joomla 3.8.10

We all know that “Change is inevitable”. And we at JoomDev also believe in the same. Things change, history change, product change and so do our Templates change to keep up with this ever-changing technologies.

We have made changes in some of our templates and extensions to make them updated with the latest technologies. For instance, the following templates are now compatible with the latest version of Joomla i.e - v3.8.10. Along with this, we have made some changes to our extensions also.

Here is the brief of every change which we have made in our recent update. So if you care, have a look.

Introducing Astroid Joomla Framework 1.1.0


Before a few days back, we had released the Astroid framework and we are so thankful for your warm response. After getting feedback from users, we have improved Astroid and released its another version 1.1.0.

Changelog: v1.1: 13-July-2018

Added:   Banner Element

Added:   Banner option in Menu item settings.

Added:   Flickr icon to the Social Profiles

Added:   CRSF Token on post requests

Added:   Frontend editing overrides

Update:  Astroid admin security

Update:  Section container layouts with more options

Update:  Backend UI/UX improved

Update:  Moved the import/export buttons for better positioning.

Update:  Moved the import/export buttons for better positioning.

Bugfix:  Column calculation with component area


Bugfix:  Some other bug fixes

5 Joomla Template Updated to Joomla 3.8.10

1. JD Miami - Free Joomla Multipurpose Template

Multipurpose Joomla Template

In this update the, Helix framework which is the core of this template has been updated to its latest version. Along with this, Modules like Regular Labs, RokSprocket Module has been updated too.

Changelog: v2.2: 17-July-2018

Changed: Kunena updated to v5.1.2

Changed: Joomla updated to v3.8.10

Changed: Helix 3 updated to v2.5.4

Changed: Helix3 - Ajax updated to 2.5.4

Changed: Smart Slider v3 3.2.12 to v3.3.4

Changed: Regular Labs - Modals plugin updated to v9.12.0

Changed: RokSprocket Module updated to v2.1.23

BugFix:  Language Updated

BugFix:  Enables missing page class suffix option

BugFix:  Social Language fixes and coding styles improvement

BugFix:  Menu page class suffix issue fixed

BugFix:  Blog details image floating alignment issue fixed

BugFix:  Blog listing image floating alignment issue fixed

BugFix:  Remove sppagebuilder Addons Overrides



JD Boston - Free Business & eCommerce Joomla Template

Free Joomla Template

Extensions used in this template like ChronoForms, Virtuemart, Smartslider3 all are been updated to its latest versions. And also the framework in which this template is based on - Helix framework is updated also.

Changelog: v2.2: 16-Jul-2018

Changed: Joomla updated to 3.8.10

Changed: Kunena updated to 5.1.1

Changed: Helix updated to 2.5.4

Changed: ChronoForms updated to 6.0.19

Changed: Helix3 - Ajax updated to 2.5.4

Changed: VirtueMart updated to 3.2.14

Changed: Smart Slider 3 updated to 3.3.4

Bugfix:Login direct issue fixed in the article

Bugfix:   Enables missing page class suffix option

Bugfix:   Social Language fixes and coding styles improvement

Bugfix:   Menu page class suffix issue fixed

Bugfix:  Blog details image floating alignment issue fixed

Bugfix:  Blog listing image floating alignment issue fixed


JD Austin - Free Business Joomla Template

All the small bugs have been completely fixed in this update and along with the extensions used by this template are also updated to their respective versions. Some modifications in the design have also been made.

Changelog: v1.1: 13-July-2018

Changed:  Joomla updated to 3.8.10

Changed:  Chronoforms updated to 6.0.19

Bugfix:   Fix Blog mod_articles_category overrides

Bugfix:   Sticky Header has been fixed in box layout

Bugfix:  The header logo responsive issue has been fixed on mobile view


JD NewYork - Free Multipurpose Joomla Template


Free Multipurpose business Joomla template

In JD NewYork, the extensions like ChronoForms and RokSprocket updated. And with all, all the major bugs and error has been removed.

Changelog: v2.2: 17-July-2018

Changed:  Joomla updated to v3.8.10

Changed:  Kunena updated to v5.1.2

Changed:  Helix 3 updated to v2.5.4

Changed:  JEvents 3.4.43 updated to v3.4.47

Changed:  Smart Slider 3 3.3.1 updated to v3.3.4

Changed:  RokSprocket Module updated to v2.1.23

Bugfix:   Login direct issue fixed in the article

Bugfix:   Enables missing page class suffix option

Bugfix:   Social Language fixes and coding styles improvement

Bugfix:   Menu page class suffix issue fixed

Bugfix:   Blog details image floating alignment issue fixed

Bugfix:   Blog listing image floating alignment issue fixed

Bugfix:   Remove sppagebuilder Addons Overrides


JD Restaurant - Joomla Restaurant Template

Restaurant Joomla Template

In JD Restaurant, things like the smart slider, acymailing, Helix framework are all updated to its latest version. Along with this bugs like “Added missing language constant in JD Menu” has been fixed.

Changelog: v1.2: 09-July-2018

Changed: Updated Joomla to 3.8.10

Changed: Updated AcyMailing to 5.10.2

Changed: Updated Chronoforms to 6.0.19

Changed: Updated SmartSlider3 to 3.3.1

Changed: Updated Page Builder to 3.2.4

Changed: Updated Helix to 2.5.4

Changed: Pie Progress Addon compatible with latest Page Builder version

Changed: Heading Addon compatible with latest Page Builder version

Added: JD Team Addon

Bugfix: Responsive improved

Bugfix: Improved Mega Menu and Dropdown Menu

Bugfix: Fixed Error page

Bugfix: Added missing language constant in JD Menu

Bugfix: Added missing language constant in JD Event

Bugfix: Fixed K2 Frontend Editing

Removed: testimonialpro folder deleted (templates/jd_restaurant/sppagebuilder/addons)

Removed: call_to_action folder deleted (templates/jd_restaurant/sppagebuilder/addons)

Removed: image_content folder deleted (templates/jd_restaurant/sppagebuilder/addons)

Removed: Addthis social share code from the template index.php file.


Bug Fixes in 2 Joomla Extensions


The unnecessary CSS file has been removed in this update to make this extension faster. Besides this, Changes in design has also been made to give it a new look.





v 1.2 11-July-2018

Bugfix: Designed improvements


Register Login Module

With the recent update the UI of Register Login Module got a new look and also the extension is Joomla 4 Alpha Compatible. Errors like redirection of the login pages, captcha problems are been fixed.

June 11, 2018: v.1.7

Bugfix: UI Improve

Bugfix: Joomla 4 Alpha Compatible




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