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In this article, consider Content Construction Kit or abbreviated CCK for Joomla. CCK is a powerful tool and a reliable assistant in the creation of the website. With it, you can create your own type of content outside of articles, for example CD album, hotel, an event, etc. The content type is described by a data model that can be matched by adding custom fields (location, text, image, number types, date, mail, etc.) Create a category for each created content item. CCK will be useful if you need a news channel or magazine with full control over the layout. You can add comments to your blog and expand the functionality. Catalog of products, business catalogs, job offer. CCK is a very flexible and customizable extension for Joomla with which you can solve many tasks.

1. Orda Soft CCK

ordasoft orda soft Content Construction Kit cck

OS CCK is easy powerful Content Construction Kit for Joomla that helps to create various kinds of product catalogs, classifieds and listings. OS CCK Joomla extension is great solution for building website with rental products (cars selling, real estates, books and more) as it has built-in functional for creating and managing Buy and Rent Requests.

Its simple to create website with Drag and Drop content Building. You will enjoy to building forms, pages and layouts using Drag and Drop layout builder in OS CCK. You create rows and columns and full it just drag and drop fields what you need (image, text, mail and any custom code what you need).

Responsive and Mobile Friendly Design

The content created with the OS CCK will be displayed on all mobile devices with different screen resolutions. Your website should be optimized for mobile devices in order not to miss the clients browsing web from smartphones and tablets, so be sure you aren't missing any single customer.

Advanced Style Options

Hundreds of customization options such as margin, padding, background color, font color, font size and many more allows creating unique and beautiful Joomlawebsite with your own style. Apply style options to field, block (row or column) or to entire layout.

Variety of Field TYPES: 15+ content Fields

We offer the most important and frequently used content fields such as text, text area, category, number field, checkbox, radio button and select list, image, gallery, audio and video fields, URL, location and others. More fields are coming soon.

Unlimited Pages and Forms with your own Layout and Design

Create endless types of multicolumn forms and pages using a wide range of available fields and styling options. After a few simple steps your creation is ready for the public.

HTML/PHP/CSS/SCRIPT Custom Code Area for Experienced Users

If you're HTML/PHP/CSS/SCRIPT expert and willing to insert some code to the layout or form, you'll get ability to write a few lines of code right during creation a layout.

2. Ekerlabs Power Content

Ekerlabs Power Content Construction Kit cck

Flexible Themes Engine

Create your own specific or shared layouts for every type of record. Add your own params, set custom fields and even edit code with an extremely easy GUI interface.

Powerful Custom Fields

The powerful custom fields engine providing you with over 15 built-in types of fields that are completely integrated with all of Power Content's records and features. Fields can be repeatable (making it extremely easy to extend your websites), and can appear on any type of record - Items, Categories, Authors, Tags and more.

Drag & Drop Media Manager

Completely integrated with the custom fields, Text Editors, and other parts of Power Content. The media manager lets you manage, sort, add, delete, change, move preview and much more. Extremely easily and productively, and directly from your editing pages. You can even crop and resize images on the fly.

Perfect Routing Engine

Finally a solution to the Joomla routing engine. No more duplicated pages, no more surprising 404 errors. And perhaps the most helpful feature of Power Content's Router: We finally don't need to open a menu item for each and every page of our website! You can customize your URL's, add / change prefixes and more.

Extendable Plugins System & API

Extend Power Content forms, add tabs with your own forms to all records: items, categories, author and tags. Extend any part of Power Content with more than 10 plugin events available, and a built-in API to interact with Power Content's objects. Both JS and PHP.

Easy SEO, Social Media and Marketing tools Integrations

Not only does Power Content have a dedicated admin view for SEO, where you can see and edit your whole websites titles, descriptions, robots, OG:IMAGE and more, It also has an Automatic SEO feature to make SEO Management much more easier, as well as a dedicated Custom Field to insert Head Tags such as Canonical, Analytics, Facebook Pixel and more, directly to all / specific pages - without any coding.

12 Built-In Modules and Plugins

Power Content has 12 built-in extensions. Admin modules for statistics and quick actions, Site modules to display data from Power Content wherever you like, search, breadcrumbs and other tools, and plugins for previewing pages before publishing, and for sharing records on social media.

3. Seblod

Seblod Content Construction Kit cck

A Layer on top of Joomla! Extend core Joomla objects such as Article, Category, User, User Group, User Note or any other 3rd-party components. Choose precisely which fields to show/hide for all your back-end forms, front-end forms, search forms, and list views..

You can create content types and forms with your own set of custom fields... in order to manage any kind of content such as: Blog Post, Event, Media, Place, etc. Control the display of any SEBLOD-based content while your clients focus on filling custom-built and user-friendly forms. Drag and drop your fields in order to set up professional layouts and list views such as Blogs, Charts, Maps, Tables... Use our ready-to-use templates or develop your own ones. Build online apps the way your business' needs require it. Much more than just a CCK, SEBLOD is a Web App Builder. Create complex forms using live values, conditional states, computation rules, custom scripts, triggers.

4. ContentBuilder

ContentBuilder cck

ContentBuilder provides content construction without replacing Joomla article system. In fact, ContentBuilder creates regular content items which you may use on your site just like any other content - without the need for special plugins or core replacements. Additionally, you can use ContentBuilder to control user permissions for several actions, such as content access, content editing, article parameter settings, publishing, etc.

ContentBuilder provides a well-defined plugin infrastructure to enhance its capabilities:

  • Content (image resizing, downloads or any other content plugin available)
  • Form Elements
  • Form Validation
  • List Actions (select records and perform actions on them)
  • Verification (think of payments and coupons)
  • Themes (yes, even themes are pluggable)
  • There is a variety of plugins that ship with ContentBuilder already, such as PayPal payment, image resizing (thumbnails), downloads and most common form validations.

Reviews (1):

Pieter-Jan de Vries

I miss Form2Content in your review. A really simple to use but versatile CCK, which creates regular Joomla! articles. Light weight and focused purely on creating regular Joomla! content.

13 October 06:45

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