Your Roocky template. Part 6 of 6: Results

Joomla Views: 1257 Added Date: March 31, 2014 balbooa Like
Joomla News: Your Roocky template. Part 6 of 6: Results

Your Roocky template

Part 6 of 6: Results

Almost a month has passed since we released the Roocky Joomla Template. The month of hard working and it is time to sum up all results.

We had expected very much from this month, we had expected very much from Roocky, and we got it. Hundreds of satisfied customers, dozens of sites developed on Roocky Joomla template, a lot of developers that are using Balbooa Joomla extensions in their products.

We have released Roocky under the idea of multipurpose using. Following this idea we have created 4 layouts - each one for particular purpose. Roocky Creative wide and boxed for creative agencies, Roocky Corporate for corporate and business clients and Roocky Minimal Classic for those who love minimalism.


We can say with confidence that Roocky Joomla! template have met all our expectations. Every day we face the questions about Roocky, about how to develop various parts, how to add third part extensions into Roocky, and we have solved them all.

It is the last part of story about Roocky, but don’t worry all our products would continue to receive update.

And at the end, we would like to show you an example of site, that is developing on Roocky Joomla! Template - NOC internet website.


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