Magento CMS is one of the most powerful platforms for creating an online store

Magento Views: 917 Added Date: November 21, 2018 ADD THEMES Like
Magento News: Magento CMS is one of the most powerful platforms for creating an online store

One of the most popular CMS in the world for online stores. Like most other e-commerce engines, it is based on PHP and MySQL. The source code is open.

The developers are Americans Roy Rubin (Roy Rubin) and Yoav Kutner (Yoav Kuttner), who originally (since 2011) were developing online stores on osCommerce. Magento uses the Zend Framework and is not a clone of osCommerce. The first version of Magento was released in 2007. Since 2011, Varien has owned eBay. Despite American roots, 99% of Magento developers are from Ukraine.

Today, the Magento platform has 150,000 online stores. Since the product is focused on the American and European markets, its basic functionality does not satisfy Runet's needs. However, in Russia there is a Russian-speaking community of developers from whom you can purchase the Russian Assembly, which includes the functionality necessary for the Russian market. For example, in the Russian assembly there is integration with Yandex Market, data exchange with “1C: Trade Management”, payment modules for ROBOKASSA, WebMoney, and so on. Professional creation of an online store on Magento starts from $ 750 dollars.

Pricing Magento pleases with its flexibility. Officially, the product for 2013 comes in three different editions:

Community Edition, which is distributed free of charge. SaaS-service called Magento Go, which in turn is divided into 4 tariffs from 15 to 125 US dollars per month. There is a trial period of 1 month. The maximum number of items uploaded to the SaaS platform is 10,000 products. Enterprise edition, the minimum cost of $ 15,000 per year. Customers who purchase such licenses have personal service and so on.


Magento is a very popular CMS, but for the development of small online stores you should not choose it, as it is difficult to master and expensive to maintain. This engine should be used only for serious projects where functionality and breadth of possibilities are important.

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