How to Configure SmartAddons OpenCart Theme

OpenCart Views: 567 Added Date: August 16, 2021 SmartAddons Like
OpenCart News: How to Configure SmartAddons OpenCart Theme

OpenCart is an Open Source e-commerce application. OpenCart provides easy customization of your online store. This article consists of configuration and setting up SmartAddon's OpenCart themes.


How to Configure SmartAddons OpenCart Theme


Usually there is a vast of different settings that available with a new Template, and because this is an open source software, it isn't always the same for each developer. Make sure to read through this documentation available for the Template that you are installing so that you know what features are available for you.




Product Feature


Go to admin › OpenCartWorks › So Themes Config › Button Product Feature



Click on product to create features product. Any product added config features will have labels so feature




Main General Tabs


Tab General


Go to OpenCartWorksSo Themes Config General Tab



1.Select Layout - Choose the layout that you like. Click button Apply Default Setting Choose the Layout


  • New Color - Set name color (do not uppercase letters) and fill color. Continue Click button Compile CSS.
  • Select Color - Select the color you just created › Click button Save


2.Sticky Menu on Top - When the user scrolls the page, Sticky Menu to the top of the browser window during scrolling



  • Status - Option (yes|no)
  • Select Block on header - Choose your parts you want to show on the sticky Menu


3.Top Bar



  • Telephone No - is the content of Telephone
  • Welcome Message - is the content of Welcome Message
  • Checkout Link - show the link checkout
  • Language/Currency - show the Language/Currency


View Frontend:






  • Preloader - want to show the Preloader
  • Preloader Animation - Choose the preloader that you like
  • Status Payment - want to show the Payment
  • Image (Payment block) - Choose a image path
  • Copyright - It is the content to Copyright


View Frontend:



Tab Header & Footer


Choose the type of Header that you like, to pair with home page



Tab Banner


Hover over image below to see effect.Choose the banner that you like



Layout Tab


Go to admin › OpenCartWorks › So Themes Config › Layout Tab › With the boxed layout you can choose additional options such as custom background images, patterns and solid colors



  • Layout Style - Select one in option (Default|Layout fluid|Layout boxed)
  • Body Background Color - Set background color for Mainbody
  • Overlay pattern - Set pattern image for Mainbody
  • Background Image: - Set background image for Mainbody
  • Background Image display mode - Set background image display mode
  • Background Image display Attachment - Set background image display attachment


View Frontend: Layout Style = boxed



Page Tab


Product Category


Go to admin › OpenCartWorks › So Themes Config › Page Tab › Product Category



1.Layout Category & Product


  • Display column position - Select one in option ( Outside content| Inside content)
  • Display column type - Add page content inside this div if you want the side nav to push page content to the right
  • Sticky Sidebar - Attach sidebar to the page when the user scrolls such that the element is always visible


2.Category Info


  • Display subcategory - You want to show the subcategory
  • Choose subcategory grid number - Quantity is displayed subcategory
  • Display category info - You want to show description category
  • Choose Product grid number - Column number display page category


3.Product Item


  • Show "Discount" - Options (yes/no)
  • Show countdown - Show countdown of Special Offer product
  • Show Ratings - Options (yes/no)
  • Show Orders - show order number of product
  • Show image gallery - Slider image gallery
  • Status use placeholder images - Options(yes/no)


4.Group Cart


  • Show position cart info - select align (Left|Right|Center|Bottom) position group cart
  • Show "QuickView" Button - Options (yes/no)
  • Show "Addtocart " Button - Options (yes/no)
  • Show "Wishlist " Button - Options (yes/no)
  • Show "Compare " Button - Options (yes/no)


View Frontend: The options on the create Menu features



Product Detail


Go to admin › OpenCartWorks › So Themes Config › Page Tab › Product Category › Product page



1.Options Styles


  • Option Checkbox and Radio Style - refreshing the default option is more beautiful


2.Product Page


  • Product gallery - Select one in option ( Gallery Bottom| Gallery Left| Gallery Grid | Gallery list | Gallery Slider)
  • Enable Product Zoom - Options (yes/no)
  • Enable Size Chart - add product image size chart
  • Tabs block - Select one in option(vertical|horizontal)
  • Enable Button Show More - Add button (show more) on product description, click button (show more) show full description
  • Show Shipping & Payment - Add new tabs Shipping & Payment


3.Social Share


  • Show Custom - Options (yes/no)
  • Custom Content - Write content to Custom


4.Social Share


  • Show Related - Options (yes/no)
  • Related product number per row - Column number display related product


View Frontend: The options on the create Menu features



Comming Soon


Go to admin › OpenCartWorks › So Themes Config › Page Tab › Coming Soon



  • Coming Soon Background - Set background image for Coming Soon
  • Coming Soon Title - is the heading of Coming Soon
  • Date - is the dates of coming soon
  • Content - is the content of coming soon


View Frontend:



Font tab


Go to admin › OpenCartWorks › So Themes Config › font Tab



  • Font Setting standard - It is the default fonts of the system
  • Font Setting Google Fonts - It is the Google fonts, fast, and open through great typography.
  • Google URL - Example:,500,700 ⇒ View More
  • Google Family - Example: Roboto, sans-serif;
  • Add css selectors - is the css selectors of setting


Social Tab


Go to admin › OpenCartWorks › So Themes Config › social Tab



  • Show sidebar social - It is the default fonts of the system
  • Show Facebook - Options (yes/no)
  • Facebook ID - is the Account Facebook.
    For example: Facebook ID = MagenTech (
  • Show Twitter - Options (yes/no)
  • Twitter username - is the Twitter username
  • Show Custom - Options (yes/no)
  • Custom block - is the content of custom block


Custom Tab


Go to admin › OpenCartWorks › So Themes Config › custom Tab



  • CSS Input - It is the css code direct
  • CSS File - add file css, Enter file path file css
  • JS File - add file js, Enter file path file js


Advanced Tab


Go to admin › OpenCartWorks › So Themes Config › Advanced Tab



  • SCSS Compile - Compile scss source for get css styles using
  • User Developer Compile Muti Color - Only user developer
  • Show Minify CSS - compress all css to only one file
  • Show Minify JS - compress all js to only one file

See Our Best-selling OpenCart Themes 2021:







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