OrdaSoft Joomla Blank Template: new version

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WordPress News: OrdaSoft Joomla Blank Template: new version

Meet the astonishing Joomla Blank template

Today we want to share with you great news!
The long-awaited release of Joomla Blank template is ready and we are happy to present all its awesome features to you. The new version of Joomla Blank template is saturated with tons of stunning extensions, additional pages and features that makes it more powerful and flexible. It is created in the form of Quickstart package and separate Joomla template, so you can choose whether you want use ready website (like demo) or build up website using separate Joomla Blank template.

So, let's summarize what has been made in updated Joomla Blank template:

1. Joomla Blank template is enhanced
with superb Balbooa Forms

Thanks to our friends from Balbooa team we have added Pro version of Balbooa Forms to Joomla Blank template (Quickstart). Now it is possible to create different comprehensive forms with convenient and user-friendly Drag & Drop form builder. 15+ types of fields, multi-column layouts, powerful customization tools, multi-page forms, Captcha protection - these are only the small part of Forms functionality. And all these Pro features you can use free of charge within Joomla Blank template.
Read more about Balbooa Joomla Forms on the developer's website or have a look at demo of Joomla Forms.

Balbooa Forms builder


2. VirtueMart integration: ideal eCommerce solution
for Joomla Blank template

VirtueMart is an eCommerce extension for Joomla. Easy to use for beginners and experts, it offers thousands of built in features to create your store professionally in some minutes.

Our Free Joomla Framework includes all best things from VirtueMart to enable you to build professional Joomla online store. Some of thousands of built in features are:

  1. Categories with meta tags for seo, description and media
  2. Products with Reviews and ratings
  3. Shopper groups and Shoppers
  4. Inventory/stock
  5. Real multi currency
  6. Default SEF/SEO integrated
  7. Payment with help of Paypal Std, Paypal Express, Paypal API, Amazon, Sofort Banking, Klarna, Skrill, Heidelpay, KlikAndPaPaybox, Authorize.net.

Discover the power of VirtueMart Joomla eCommerce solution on VirtueMart official website.

VirtueMart eCommerce extension for Joomla


3. Integration with K2, the powerful content extension for Joomla!

K2 is the ideal solution for managing your content, regardless of site "size": you can use it from a small blog to a complex corporate site or even a multi-author environment (portals, magazines etc.) Just like Joomla Blank template.
K2 provides an out-of-the box integrated solution featuring rich content forms for items (think of Joomla articles with additional fields for article images, videos, image galleries and attachments), nested-level categories, tags, comments, a system to extend the item base form with additional fields, category and user forms, frontend editing. Go to K2 website and see all features of the powerful Joomla content extension.

K2 content extension for Joomla


4. Only the best template features for your next website

In Joomla Blank template you can adjust a great variety of options. In Joomla administrator side navigate to Extensions -> Templates -> Os-basetemplate and check out the functionality of Joomla Blank template

  1. Twitter Bootstrap elements
  2. Built on CSS3 and HTML5
  3. Support of Google Fonts
  4. Ability to insert Google Analytics tracking code
  5. Font Awesome Icons
  6. Control over body, typography and links
  7. and more
Admin area of Responsive Joomla Blank template

Main options of Responsive Joomla Blank template

5. Additional web pages for rapid website creation

Joomla Blank template comes with a variety of pre designed additional web pages which can be used in website. For instance, Joomla Blank template includes Our Services, Our Management, Pricing tables, Our History and About us pages. Just fill the pages with appropriate content and you will get professionally designed web pages for your website in minutes.


6. And...


...and this is not the end.
We included our Joomla extensions to the Quickstart package:

  1. OS Simple Membership: Joomla subscription component that enables to create, manage subscriptions, user and user groups
  2. OS Touch Slider: responsive Joomla slideshow with Drag&Drop, swipe effect and captions (Video and HTML available)
  3. OS Responsive Image Gallery: provides an optimal viewing experience across a wide range of devices

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