Post Types Order

Views: 1228 Added Date: 28 November 2013 Nsp Code Like
Wordpress Plugin: Post Types Order

CMS: WordPress Version: 2.9 Type: plugin Extension Topic: Admin Navigation

A powerful plugin, Order Posts and Post Types Objects using a Drag and Drop Sortable JavaScript capability. It allow to reorder the posts for any custom post types you defined, including the default Posts. Also you can have the admin posts interface sorted per your new sort. Post Order has never been easier.

This was built considering for everyone to be able to use no matter the WordPress experience, so it's very easy:

  •     Install the plugin through the Install Plugins interface or by uploading the post-types-order folder to your /wp-content/plugins/ directory.
  •     Activate the Post Order plugin.
  •     A new setting page will be created within Settings > Post Types Order, you should check with that, and make a first options save.
  •     Using the AutoSort option as ON you don't need to worry about any code changes, the plugin will do the post order update on fly.
  •     Use the Re-Order interface which appear to every custom post type (non-hierarchical) to change the post order to a new one.


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