Ultimate Coming Soon Page

Views: 1140 Added Date: 03 December 2013 John Turner Like
Wordpress Plugin: Ultimate Coming Soon Page

CMS: WordPress Version: 3.0 Type: plugin Extension Topic: Admin Desk

The Ultimate Coming Soon Page plugin allows you quick and easily set up a coming soon or launch page for your website.

Simple and flexible, the Ultimate Coming Soon Page plugin works with any WordPress theme you have installed on your site. Anyone who isn't logged in to your site will see the coming soon page, while you or any other logged-in staffers can access the site as normal and do not not see the coming soon page which allows you to work on your changes or content.

Benefits, Features and Options:

  •     Works with any WordPress Theme
  •     Completely customizable look and feel including Background Color and Image, Logo, Fonts etc...
  •     Easily add Custom CSS and HTML
  •     Collect Emails with FeedBurner
  •     Integrated with Google Fonts
  •     Visible to only non logged in users so you can build your site while visitors see the "Coming Soon" page.
  •     Stretch Background Image to Cover the Entire Browser
  •     Uses HTML5 & CSS3
  •     Translation Ready, i18n Support
  •     Multisite Support
  •     BuddyPress Support

Pro Version Features:

  •     Works with any WordPress theme
  •     Visible only to non logged in users
  •     Secret link for your clients to view the upcoming website without logging in
  •     Search Engine Optimized with customizable meta tags
  •     Mobile Ready responsive design and layout
  •     Maintenance Mode with Automatic Screenshot
  •     Custom Look & Feel with no coding
  •     Integrated Google and Typekit fonts
  •     Full Browser Backgrounds option
  •     Option to capture first and last name
  •     Videos can be embedded in the description just be entering the URL
  •     Display an Incentive after Sign Up
  •     Social Profiles & Social Sharing Buttons
  •     MailChimp, AWeber, Get Response, Constant Contact and Campaign Monitor integration
  •     Gravity Forms integration to collect info from visitors
  •     Built-in referral system to keep track referrered subscribers and how many of those convert
  •     Store Emails in the WordPress Database to export to any email service
  •     Progress bar with automatic completion calculation
  •     Google Analytics Support
  •     Automatic Easy Updates
  •     Shortcode Support
  •     Option to enable template responsiveness
  •     Option to control access by IP
  •     Custom Footer Branding
  •     Custom Favicon
  •     Custom CSS Support
  •     Import/Export Settings for backup or re-use purposes
  •     Multisite Support
  •     HTML5 & CSS3 which degrades gracefully for older browsers
  •     Translation Ready i18n Support
  •     Option to exclude specific URLs from displaying Coming Soon page

    Plus lots more...

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