
Joomla 3.0 Views: 1363 Added Date: 11 June 2013 JoomlaXTC Like
Joomla Template: M-Label
Template Topics:
Business E-commerce Music

Template Options:
Custom Fonts, Multiple Colors, Responsive

Ready to start your own online record label or MP3 Download Shop? Already a label owner? Looking to give your website that multimillion dollar look? M-Label is here! Powered by Joomla and the Hikashop E-commerce component, M-Label is full music based E-Commerce website with all the features to get you online and selling products in minutes! 

Responsive in nature, M-Label scales to pixel perfect widths to enhance viewing on Large Format Monitors, Tablets, and Phones. M-Label's custom HikaShop theme includes the SoundManager HTML5 and JS MP3 Player for perfect playback on all mobile devices. 

The core Joomla template features (70+) module positions; (35+) module style variations, (4) preset styles, rich typography options, CSS3 progressive enhancements, Bootstrapped and Responsive Design and so much more. The Quickstart package even comes with some of JoomlaXTC's most popular extensions—like Deluxe NewsPro Module and our Html Pro Module. In addition we have pre packaged K2 and the Free editions of HikaShop and Acymailing with custom styles for the template. 

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