PJ Accolade

Joomla 1.6 Views: 1332 Added Date: 12 June 2013 PureJoomla Like
Joomla Template: PJ Accolade
Template Topics:
Animals & Pets Art & Photography

Template Options:
Settings/Parameters, Multiple Colors

This offering is called Accolade. It is a clean, modern and high-contrast addition to our lineup of Club Templates. Accolade is packed with functionality, such as the slick PJ Menu system, Acccordionized Module positions, integrated font replacement and more.

PJ QuickPortfolio

Along with this theme, we're introducing a new module for J1.7 called the PJ QuickPortfolio. Based on the awesome jQuery Quicksand plugin, it is perhaps the most elegant and intuitive way to show off your work.

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