
Joomla 3.1 Views: 1454 Added Date: 11 September 2013 OptimumTheme Like
Joomla Template: ProTheme
Template Topics:
Business Portfolio Software

Template Options:
Settings/Parameters, Responsive

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joomla template joomla theme theme joomla template joomla

Are you looking for a different and stylish Joomla template? Here is Pro Theme which is fully responsive and integrated with Twitter's bootstrap.

Pro Theme has 5 different various color variations (default, yellow, blue, red and dark) to fix your needs. If it is not enough or you didn't find the right color, then use Theme Magic feature. By Theme Magic you can instantly change template's color from your admin panel and see the changes in the fly. When you find right color just click on "save as" button and your new colored template is ready!

Pro Theme is powered by T3 Framework. Mega menu, LESS, CSS3, HTML5, RTL language are just some of the great features inclueded in Pro Theme.

Pro Theme has custom style and layout for K2, JomSocial and EasyBlog component.

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