SJ eSport - Best sports magazine Joomla template

Joomla 2.5 Views: 1137 Added Date: 22 March 2014 SmartAddons Like
Joomla Template: SJ eSport - Best sports magazine Joomla template
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Entertainment Magazine News Events Sport

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For taking part in the collection of Joomla responsive templates, today, SmartAddons released SJ eSport – a new template for news and portal.

The special of SJ eSport is the re-designed C-Panel, you can easily change color for background, link, text or site styles. Otherwise, we used many commercial extensions especially for news as SJ Mega News II for showing news with many various categories or SJ Content Slick Slider for slideshow, SJ Article Slider for showing logos of partners...

This is built uponYT Framework as usual, but with responsive templates, we gave you the best option to reach the customers who use mobiles, tablets and other handheld devices without worrying about supporting specific platform. Besides this is supported for K2 Component. One template to serve them all. Why haven't you try?

Let view our Demo to see how nice it works.

1. Fully compatible with IE8+, Firefox 2+, Flock 0.7+, Netscape, Safari, Opera 9.5, Chrome
2. Support RTL / LTR language
3. Allow to set site title, logo and slogan
4. Support all PC and Mobile screens, by Responsive layout
5. Support Cpanel for changing Site Styles, Fonts, Direction and Reset instantly
6. Support 5 Site Styles: Red (default), Blue, Green, Black and Yellow
7. Support 21 Font Family as well as various Google Fonts
8. Support 4 types of menu: Moo Menu, CSS Menu, Dropline Menu and Mega Menu
9. Allow to set JavaScript for Menus, set start/end level and Keep on top
10. Allow to show OR hide Main Content block, with options for showing images

Support many extensions: SJ Content Slick Slider Responsive, SJ Article Slider Responsive, SJ Module Tabs, SJ Mega News II, SJ Accordion Module, SJ Basic News, Yt Plugin, SJ Content Related News

12. Support Module Variations, set style for each module
13. Use Lazy Load for handling large images
14. W3C XHTML 1.0 Transitional Valid; Optimize CSS/JS/HTML/Merge File
15. 100% tableless design, based on CSS3
16. Support other Typography + PSD file

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