SJ Perty - Responsive Joomla template for news/magazine sites

Joomla 3.0 Views: 1442 Added Date: 07 August 2014 SmartAddons Like
Joomla Template: SJ Perty - Responsive Joomla template for news/magazine sites
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Blogs Portfolio Magazine News Events

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SJ Perty - An exquisite Joomla template for news/magazine websites.

By use of the powerful slideshow, your news will be attractively presented with image, title, date and comment counter. Besides, your top video is displayed as a pop-up window, you don't need to move to another page. It makes your website become more convenient to use. In addition, with SJ Perty, you can build an interesting website upon nice hover effects on each items.

Used latest web technologies like: HTML5, CSS3..., SJ Perty comes out with many cutting-edge features. It is totally responsive and working well on any devices, web browsers. Furthermore, based on the latest YT Framework version, SJ Perty allows you to easily control, customize your website in seconds without much coding knowledge.

The template is released in 5 color styles: Blue (default), Brown, Green, Pink and Violet. You can preview how they look as well as customize the Layouts, Menus and Reset instantly by using dynamic Cpanel through a standart web browser.

Equipped with K2 component and many content related extensions, SJ Perty completely adapts any daily news and magazine websites with up-to-date international news, weather, travel, entertainment, finance, sport and more.

Let's have a deeper look on this eye-catching template HERE!

1. Compatible with IE8+, Firefox 2+, Flock 0.7+, Netscape, Safari, Opera 9.5 and Chrome
2. Support RTL / LTR language
3. Support Full width and Boxed layouts
4. Support responsive layout
5. Support Front-end Cpanel for changing Theme, Layout, Menu and Reset instantly
6. Support 5 Preset Color Styles: Blue (default), Brown, Green, Pink and Violet
7. Support various Font Family as well as Google Fonts
8. Support many styles for RESPONSIVE Menu: Mega Menu, CSS Menu and Moo Menu
9. Allow to set JavaScript for Menus, set start/end level and Keep on top
10. Support many extensions: SJ Contact Ajax, SJ Mega K2 News, SJ Responsive Listing for K2, SJ Content Slick Slider, SJ K2 Slideshowii, SJ Module Tabs, SJ Twitter Slider, SJ Videobox
11. Grid view and List view supported
12. Typography and various module variations
13. Use Lazy Load for handling large images
14. HTML5 Validation
15. Support SHORTCODES
16. Support LESSCSS
17. 100% table-less design, based on CSS3
18. Optimize CSS/JS/HTML/Merge File

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