HomeTown - Real Estate Joomla Template

Joomla 3.8 Views: 1294 Added Date: 18 March 2019 ordasoft Like
Joomla Template: HomeTown - Real  Estate Joomla Template

69.00 USD

Template Topics:
Real Estate Hotel

Template Options:
Custom Fonts, Demo Installer, Responsive

Unique tags:
joomla template joomla theme theme joomla template joomla

Recently updated to the latest Joomla 3.8.x and Real Estate Manager, Hometown is responsive real estate Joomla template with full-width map on the homepage and stylish blurred background. Modern typography, simple lines, well structured content blocks and lovable jQuery effects complement each other and form an excellent design that you'll definitely enjoy! Template is highly recommended for real estate agents and brokers, real estate agencies and companies, real estate rental website or property listing portal.

This property website template is easy to use, responsive and looks stunning on almost every modern device. The gorgeous design isn't the only strong point of Hometown. It is enhanced with Real Estate Manager - perfect solution for showcasing real estate properties and listings, buying, selling and renting properties, REM Google Map module, where the houses are marked, Search Module with adjustable fields, Featured module, Location map and other modules. Real Estate Manager allows presenting real estates in grid, list or map layout, easy management of rent and buy requests added via frontend submission form, it also has functionality to manage own properties from frontend area of website, which enables creation professional property listing portal where several agents can submit properties and manage them. Evenmore Hometown is based on Joomla Blank template, with wide possibilities for template customization - font selector (27 font styles available), changeable style of links, ability to upload logo, add copyright and Google tracking code via Joomla admin area.

HomeTown template is perfect for anyone having real estate agency. Don't miss the opportunity to build an excellent property website with our template at a reasonable cost!

HomeTown Joomla Template

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