Chicago - Joomla Business Template

Joomla 3.7 Views: 1050 Added Date: 18 March 2019 ordasoft Like
Joomla Template: Chicago - Joomla Business Template

39.00 USD

Template Topics:
Business Neutral Templates

Template Options:
Custom Fonts, Demo Installer, Responsive

Unique tags:
joomla template joomla theme theme joomla template joomla

If you are looking for something different, meet Chicago - outstanding and spellbinding Joomla business template. Unique design decisions and tastefully styled elements will help you to build awesome website. Chicago is easy customizable, fully responsive and well documented.

This Joomla template can suit for all your needs - Blog, Events, Business, Company website, Personal website etc. In Chicago we used the most powerful Joomla extensions. Partners section built on the last version of our Joomla responsive slideshow module OS Touch Slider. With it help you can create the text animation, image animation, added awesome transitions etc.

Blog section built on Content Construction Kit for Joomla OS CCK. With it help you can build absolutely any content: blog, gallery, accordions, forms etc. Also there is OS Image Gallery in the Chicago. We added 3 layouts of Responsive Image Gallery: big, medium, small so you can choose.

For your customers we added login form In the footer, which is built on a Joomla Membership Extension OS Simple Membership. And finally we added our OS Comments and Sharing. So your customers can like and share any website page to their friend to their social networks.

Powerful OrdaSoft Joomla extensions, working contact form and awesome design are the best choise for creating the great business website. As all Ordasoft Joomla templates, Chicago includes content of pre-configured page layouts that you can install with help of Quickstart in minutes. So Chicago is perfect for those, who want to have well done website.

Chicago Joomla Business Template

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