SJ Blossom - Responsive Joomla Template For Restaurant/Food store

Joomla 3.2 Views: 1154 Added Date: 02 March 2016 SmartAddons Like
Joomla Template: SJ Blossom - Responsive Joomla Template For Restaurant/Food store
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Business Cafe and Restaurant E-commerce

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joomla template joomla theme theme joomla template joomla

SJ Blossom is  a  responsive and well-structured Joomla template that is ideal solution for any restaurant website with dozens of powerful front-end and back-end features. With clean and styled design, this beautiful template will bring wonderful experience for users through luxury moments.

SJ Blossom is built on YT Framework V3 and K2 component which gives it a flexible of using as well as customizing. Besides, the template comes packed with dozens of advanced in-house modules intuitive features: 1 homepage with 4 styles of layout: Boxed, Wide, Framed, Rounded; 6 Beautiful Color for Restaturant-Styles, powerful mega menu, more 65+ useful shortcode, etc.

Let's explore the features in detail blog and feel more!


1. Compatible with IE9+, Firefox 2+, Flock 0.7+, Netscape, Safari, Opera 9.5 and Chrome
2. Support RTL / LTR language
3. Support Boxed, Wide, Framed and Rounded Layouts
4. Support responsive layout
5. Support Front-end Cpanel for changing Theme, Layout and Reset instantly
6. Support 6 Preset Color Styles: Blue, Red, Yellow, Tan and Green
7. Support various Font Family as well as Google Fonts
8. Support many styles for RESPONSIVE Menu: Mega Menu
9. Allow to set JavaScript for Menus, set start/end level and Keep on top
10. Allow to set site title, logo and slogan
11. Support many extensions
12. Typography and various module variations
13. Use Lazy Load for handling large images
14. HTML5 Validation
15. Support over 65 useful SHORTCODES
16. Support LESS/CSS
17. 100% table-less design, based on CSS3
18. Optimize CSS/JS/HTML/Merge File
19. Allow to show OR hide Main Content, with options for showing image types

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