Apptha HVS Elite - Joomla Youtube Video Theme

Joomla 3.2 Views: 1075 Added Date: 01 April 2016 John abraham Like
Joomla Template: Apptha HVS Elite - Joomla Youtube Video Theme
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Business E-commerce Entertainment Media Music

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Joomla Youtube Video Theme


Apptha HVS Elite theme is built for websites using HD Video Share script,. This theme, which is inspired the top rated video sharing websites like YouTube, Vimeo etc, aims at providing a great user experience across all devices.


Admin friendly features of HVS Elite theme include the liberty it provides in updating logo on the video player and customizing colors, text sizes and footer links. This video sharing website theme provides ad blocks which can be used to run ads to monetize and sidebars for smart placements of widgets.

Lightweight design achieves faster loading time thus cutting down the waiting period for video viewing. Sign up and Sign in process has been powered with Ajax for faster login and registration. RTL support helps in turning your website friendly towards languages that require right to left reading. HVS Theme works well will all the latest versions of widely preferred browsers.

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