Leo HouseWare Prestashop Theme

Prestashop 1.7 Views: 1784 Added Date: 10 July 2013 LeoTheme Like
Prestashop Template: Leo HouseWare Prestashop Theme
Template Topics:
E-commerce Interior & Furniture Shop

Template Options:
Multiple Colors, Responsive

Leo Houseware is a professional responsive Prestashop theme. Extremely nice and clean layout, and have many color you can choose to build a website Orange, Green, Red, Blue). This template is fully functioned and provides an unlimited style variation. Its design is perfect for Kitchen Store, Nature store, Food store

The prestashop theme is powered with Leo Framework, one of the best Prestatshop framework. It is fully responsive and supports both CSS3 and HTML5 that help to create refined web pages with semantic accuracy.

The highlight in the homepage is the slideshow, It is full for window, and auto play with large images, title, description, thumbnail images.Addition, in the homepage show tabs category featured, had selected by your self...

Leo Houseware comes with lots of built-in functionality which includes powerful admin panel. The powerful admin panel will help you manage your site better, customize easier.

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Reviews (1):

Rajesh Sharma

Its a wonderful concept and will be helpful in the era of digitization for everyone.
Best Wishes!

04 January 05:14

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