FitnessLife WordPress

WordPress 3.5 Views: 1198 Added Date: 11 June 2013 JoomlaXTC Like
Wordpress Theme: FitnessLife WordPress
Template Topics:
Personal Pages Sport

Template Options:
Custom Fonts, Multiple Colors, Responsive

Fitness Life is a fully Responsive WordPress Theme, perfect for Fitness Centers, Gym's, Personal Trainers and simply anything you can dream up. The themes style is on the cutting edge of web trends: a stunning Parallax design style with the use of CSS3 and Javascript effects.

Enhanced with Bootstrap CSS, Fitness Life scales to pixel perfect widths to enhance viewing on Large Format Monitors, Tablets, Phones, and even the latest Retina devices! 

The core WordPress features (70+) Widget positions; (60+) Widget style variations, (4) preset styles, rich typography options, CSS3 progressive enhancements, Bootstrapped and Responsive Design and so much more. The Quickstart package even comes with some of JoomlaXTC's most popular extensions—like Deluxe NewsPro Module. 

Fitness Life was built with the JoomlaXTC Framework which offers deep customization options and gives you total control over your site's look & feel—from Width Adjustments, Region & Column Layout, Backgrounds, Font Colors / Sizes / Typeset, Module Layout and custom preset styles.

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