Fitness Club - Sport Drupal Theme

Drupal 7 Views: 1811 Added Date: 28 May 2015 ordasoft Like
Drupal Theme: Fitness Club - Sport Drupal Theme
Template Topics:
Business Portfolio Sport

Template Options:
Custom Fonts, Fluid Width, Settings/Parameters, Demo Installer, Responsive

Fitness Club is exclusive and professional sport Drupal theme enhanced with cool jQuery effects and animations. It will fit great for any sport related website - sport club, gym, fitness center, spa, personal trainer or just some sport event. This Drupal theme is responsive, so works perfectly on desktop, tablets and mobile phones. Try to resize your browser window and see how Fitness Club looks on different screen sizes.Fitness Club is provided with Quickstart package (installation profile). It includes a lot of features, modules and also sample data, so you can easily setup it and get your site 99% ready in just a few minutes. It is also easy to customize and includes proper documentation to make your website suitable for your needs.

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