Used Cars - Drupal Car Theme

Drupal 7 Views: 2759 Added Date: 07 September 2015 ordasoft Like
Drupal Theme: Used Cars - Drupal Car Theme
Template Topics:
Business Cars Portfolio

Template Options:
Settings/Parameters, Demo Installer, Multiple Colors, Responsive

Used Cars is new brand auto classified Drupal theme with modern and creative design. Used Cars Drupal theme is perfect for auto dealers, car classified sites, car dealer websites and car rental agencies. This Drupal theme is created on the base of Blank Drupal theme and loaded with its useful features, that will help you to configure your site easily - social media integration, typography options (Google fonts integration), copyright, options for setting style for links, body and more. In Used Cars theme is included a great variety of block regions to enable you to place your content where you want it. Also theme is fully responsive, Bootstrap integrated and cross-browser compatible (for major browsers: IE 9+, Firefox 14+, Chrome 19+, Safari 5.1+, Opera 12+). Moreover this car classified theme contains many unique pages such as all cars, agent page, blog and contact us page. At homepage were implemented beautiful slideshow with car details and elements of search for following criteria: purpose (sale, rent), car brand, price of car and model. Also there are sections for presentation of featured cars, agents, best deals, partners, Google map and footer sections with opening hours, popular cars and latest news from blog. Used Cars is not just a premium Drupal theme, it is theme package that includes theme, modules (FlexSlider, GMap, Search and others), pages and sample data. After easy installation of this Quickstart package, you will get fully ready automotive dealer website, just like on demo (images aren't included). The only things left here are your logo and your cars.

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