Salon n Spa

WordPress 3.5 Views: 2144 Added Date: 27 November 2013 shape5 Like
Wordpress Theme: Salon n Spa
Template Topics:
Business Flowers Shop

Template Options:
Settings/Parameters, Responsive

Own a salon, spa or massage business? The Salon n Spa Wordpress Theme is designed just for you! The theme colors, layout and functionality are all designed with a salon/spa in mind. All the module colors can easily be changed in the Vertex admin, so you have 5 module styles that can have their own custom color that you define. In addition to all this, the theme comes with packed with other great stuff like: 6 module styles, an amazing 90 core positions, right to left language support, custom row widths, fixed or fluid layout, and so much more! 

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Reviews (1):


Thanks for work! Looks awesome.

12 July 08:19

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