Corporate Response

WordPress 3.5 Views: 2107 Added Date: 27 November 2013 shape5 Like
Wordpress Theme: Corporate Response
Template Topics:
Business Personal Pages

Template Options:
Fluid Width, Responsive

Our first Responsive WordPress theme is here and it's loaded with great new features! Corporate Response is built on the brand new Vertex Version 2 framework which makes responsive websites very easy to setup and every tool that you will ever need! If you are not familiar with responsive designs, this simply means that the theme will automatically adapt itself to any screen size. Whether it be a wide screen monitor or small handheld device, this theme can handle it all! Be sure to check out the demo, and be sure to resize your browser to see it take affect! 

Vertex 2 gives responsive layouts a permanent home here at Shape5, but that's not all we've added! Vertex 2 now comes with a new script called Info Slide that will add nice sliding effecting over any image, file compression of the core files, fluid image controls, better body width control, and lots more!

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Reviews (1):


Awesome job

11 July 12:48

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