Metro Shows - July 2013 Wordpress Club Theme

WordPress 3.4 Views: 2453 Added Date: 27 November 2013 shape5 Like
Wordpress Theme: Metro Shows - July 2013 Wordpress Club Theme
Template Topics:
Neutral Templates

Template Options:
Demo Installer, Responsive

Metro Shows is versatile Responsive Wordpress Theme and loaded with great features! The design can be used on any website but has a modern metro style to it which works great along side responsive. We've released the S5 Weather module which includes a tabbed mode and with some styling to match this theme. The S5 Tab Show module has also been updated for this theme to now support responsive layouts. Be sure to check out the demo to see all the features of Metro and don't forget to resize and check mobile to see its full potential!
S5 Vertex framework platform
Optional responsive layout (adapt to any screen size)
Responsive hide classes
95 collapsible core theme positions
4 custom widget suffixes
S5 Weather Widget
4 custom module colors set in Vertex admin
Enable/Disable lowercase letters
Custom highlight font
S5 Flex Menu integrated
Choose fluid or fixed theme widths
Max body width
Custom column, page and row widths
Mobile device support
Designed with CSS3 - Limited support for IE7 and IE8 through PIE
RTL language support
Drop down panel
Google Fonts
SEO optimized
Hide main article area on any page
Fixed tabs
Menu scroll to section
Site shaper available (Wordpress install that includes demo data)
PSDs included
File compression for core files
Info Slide enabled
Multibox enabled
Lazy Load enabled
Tool tips enabled
Equalizer script
100% tableless CSS
Validates with XHTML 1.0 Transitional
Validates with CSS Level 3 with browser specific calls
Compatible with the following browsers:

Firefox 1.5+
Opera 9+
iOS and Android browsers

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Reviews (2):


This theme is awesome. The best Metro I've ever seen so far.

31 July 07:11


really nice Metro theme!5 star!

02 August 09:48

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