
WordPress 3.5 Views: 1887 Added Date: 15 August 2013 Colorlabsproject Like
Wordpress Theme: Bordeaux
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Template Options:
Demo Installer, Responsive

Here comes Bordeaux. All the content you post online will now be beautifully and perfectly laid out on your home page. Thanks to Bordeaux’s pre-enabled Post Format feature. Variety of post formats are available to choose from (e.g. video, image, quote, gallery, audio, chat and many more). So you can blog different types of content right away.

Bordeaux is clean, fluid and responsive, makes your blog site look great no matter on what kind of devices or screen resolutions it’s being viewed. Whether your visitors access your site through a desktop computer, an iPad or an iPhone, its content will always be delivered with ultimate focus.

 With Bordeaux, you can choose a different layout setting for each post or page (e.g. full-width, two-column left-sidebar, or two-column right-sidebar). The Masonry and Infinite Loading scripts make page scrolling and content loading slicker and smoother than ever.

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