
WordPress 3.6 Views: 1478 Added Date: 05 December 2013 woothemes Like
Wordpress Theme: Upstart
Template Topics:

Template Options:
Settings/Parameters, Responsive

Upstart is a clean and simple WordPress theme featuring a flat design. The homepage allows you to showcase your mission statement with a pseudo full-screen slider and there’s full integration with our most popular plugins.

Unique Features:

  • Full screen slider

Upstart’s homepage features a pseudo full-screen slider. On page load it resizes to fill the browser window. This makes it the perfect place to add your mission statement.

  • Full width archives

Post / product archives in Upstart are displayed in a full-width grid layout which adapts based on the window size. This created a beautiful patchwork-quilt of your content / product imagery.

  • Contact / Social bar

Encourage visitors to contact you by displaying links to your social media profiles and main contact details across the site.

  • Sidebar-less design

Upstart showcases your content front and centre. There’s no distracting sidebar making it perfect for avid authors

  • Integrates “Features by WooThemes”

This theme integrates seamlessly with the Features by WooThemes plugin. Use the plugin to display your company, product or service’s features, in any widget area.

  • Integrates “Testimonials by WooThemes”

This theme integrates seamlessly with the Testimonials by WooThemes plugin. Use the plugin to display what your customers are saying about your business in any widget area.

  • Custom Widgets

In addition to the widgetized homepage and the custom component widget, the theme has 1 widgetized sidebar and up to 4 footer widgetized areas, and as always comes with custom Woo Widgets (Ad Space, Blog Author, Video/Embed, Subscribe & Connect and Flickr).

  • Styling Options

The theme includes a variation of alternative styles which you can preview in the demo, and also has styling options for background color/image and setting link and button color.

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