LT Fashion – Free Responsive Fashion Store / Clothes Shop WordPress Theme

WordPress 3.8 Views: 1235 Added Date: 16 March 2016 Ltheme Like
Wordpress Theme: LT Fashion – Free Responsive Fashion Store / Clothes Shop WordPress Theme
Template Topics:
Business Fashion Shop

Template Options:
Custom Fonts, Fluid Width, Settings/Parameters, Demo Installer, Multiple Colors, Fixed width, Responsive

LT Fashion is premium unique WordPress theme highly recommended for any men’s clothing store, men’s fashion or any online shop with men as the targeted audience. This theme is useful to present the products and update the newest trends about men’s fashion. Moreover, it makes the products more appealing to visitors and increase sales with elegant design. LT Fashion builds on strong framework with fully bootstrap under 100% responsive layout (fit well on all mobile devices – smartphones, tablets and desktops), supports drag-drop layout content, Bootstrap CSS & Hybrid framework. Especially, with the help of its unlimited color and a color picker in the admin panel, you can create an attractive website with various layouts.

It’s mobile-friendly responsive!

100% design in template support mobile/tablet devices, it means you have good layout and style in mobile/tablet devices instead for using default layout in desktop. So, your customer can easy to see your product and content in the phone or tablets.

Strong Drag-Drop content with LayersWP

With LayersWP embed framework in our template, you can easy to create content by drag-drop, it’s very simple without coding skills. By removing endless design options and features, Layers provides you with just enough choice to create a beautiful site while still maintaining the fundamentals of good design.

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