
WordPress 5.0 Views: 2338 Added Date: 08 June 2021 akash Like
Wordpress Theme: EvieWP
Template Topics:
Travel Blogs Personal Pages

Template Options:

Unique tags:
custom-colors custom-logo custom-menu editor-style featured-images theme-options threaded-comments right-sidebar left-sidebar blog two-columns

A production-ready and minimal theme for your projects and websites. It is extremely lightweight, customizable, and works perfectly on modern browsers. Install the theme from WordPress and start customizing your site quickly.


Only one level menu is supported.


This theme, like WordPress, is licensed under the GPL.

Use it to make something cool, have fun, and share what you've learned.


== Changelog ==


= 1.0.13

> Fixed customizer settings bug


= 1.0.12

> Updated readme


= 1.0.11

> Fixed tabbing issue on menu navigation


= 1.0.10

> Fixed focus issue on Esc keypress on the search bar


= 1.0.9

> Fixed search modal focus and tabbing issues


= 1.0.8

> Fixed search modal focus issues

> Added theme prefix in variables and functions


= 1.0.7

> Added trac suggestion fixes


= 1.0.6

> Added trac suggestion fixes

> Escaped eviewpGetOption() output


= 1.0.5

> Added trac suggestion fixes

> Fixed navbar top spacing issue


= 1.0.4

> Added trac suggestion fixes

> Fixed JS console errors

> Added Licence info for code snippets

> Fixed issue with navbar hamburger control


= 1.0.3

> Added trac suggestion fixes

> Fixed navbar styling for accessibility  


= 1.0.2

> Added trac suggestion fixes

> Updated screenshot


= 1.0.1

> Added trac suggestion fixes

> Updated screenshot

> Fixed styling issues with sidebar and tab navigation


= 1.0.0

Initial release  

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