MT MiniMag - Free WordPress Magazine Theme

WordPress 5.0 Views: 1801 Added Date: 01 October 2019 mightythemes Like
Wordpress Theme: MT MiniMag - Free WordPress Magazine Theme
Template Topics:
Art & Photography Blogs Beauty Magazine Design

Template Options:
Settings/Parameters, Multiple Colors, Responsive

Unique tags:
free WordPress blog magazine theme template responsive news blogging multipurpose

Looking to download a free WordPress magazine theme for your blog or news portal? Let’s welcome MT MiniMag. MT MiniMag is a highly responsive free WordPress magazine theme with slider and custom widget area on the home page. As its name suggests the MiniMag so you can create a mini magazine type blog with this free WordPress theme.

MT MiniMag comes with live customizer so you can see how your website will look if you make any specific changes within your customizer. You don’t need to save again and again to check the effects. You can adjust the colors, the designing details, typography, manage headers, set preloader, back to top and much more.

Apart from the live customizer, it is fully packed with lots of advanced features which will help you to set up a professional and responsive magazine blog website. It comes with inbuilt schema integration so you can rank your articles instantly on the search engine.

This magazine WordPress theme is perfect for niches with bold imagery, including video game sites, motoring magazines, travel and lifestyle blogs, review sites and many more. This minimal magazine WordPress theme comes with a neat and clean layout and have the best user experience and readability so it will help you to increase the read time of your website.

MT MiniMag comes with a custom homepage widget and the latest posts. So you can add a slider, display popular post and post from any specific category, add newsletter subscription box with the help of inbuilt widgets.

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