B2J Alfheim Image Gallery PRO

Views: 1304 Added Date: 28 February 2014 Ashot Like
Joomla Extension: B2J Alfheim Image Gallery PRO

CMS: Joomla Version: 3.2 Type: module Extension Topic: Galleries

The fully responsive B2J Alfheim Image Gallery PRO module takes the power of the LITE version, with some attractive additions.

The user not only has a tight control over the flow of images, but has additional options to choose in how these images appear to the viewer. This Joomla image gallery module is fully functional with Joomla versions 2.5 and 3.0. 

This PRO version, like the LITE version, is very simple and effective, with super-easy installation and use! You may choose the images to be inherited from K2 categories, K2 tags, K2 items, Virtuemart categories, Virtuemart items, redSHOP categories, redSHOP items, Banners categories or even a custom folder on your server.


PRO version gives you the opportunity to have 2 directions for the silder:

- Horizontal

- Vertical


B2J Alfheim Image Gallery PRO inherits the following popular features from the LITE version:

- Basic settings, where you can choose the data source from K2 categories, K2 tags, K2 items, Virtuemart categories, Virtuemart items, redSHOP categories, redSHOP items, Banners categories, Joomla folder. If you use Joomla Folder you can create new album, upload multiple images to that folder and set Title, Description and ALT to every single image.

- Lightbox setting, where you can change the sizes of the thumbnails and the main images, change the quality. Here you are free to choose the position of the thumbnails as well as enable information for every image in your gallery and the social sharing functionality.

- Thumbnail settings, where you manipulate your thumbnails on the main gallery view by changing the sizes, margins, paddings, border sizes, etc of the thumbnails.

- Styles and colors, where you will find different predefined presets that were previously used on our templates and also the opportunity to change all the colors of your gallery.


What makes this module PRO is how the images appear to the user. On image click, it opens the original image in a lightbox with all thumbnails beneath it. They take the appearance of a bunch of photos allowing you to flip or swipe through them as you would in real life. The flipping effect looks like ebay's iPad application and can be used on all platforms, with amazing effect on touchscreens.

B2J Alfheim Image Gallery PRO has got the following basic features:


- Easily customizable and lightweight

- Multi-browser functionality

- Fully compatible with Joomla! 2.5 / 3.0

- Image swipe effect for touchscreens

- Sharing to Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Pintrest

- Responsive layout


B2J Alfheim Image Gallery PRO is everything you ever wanted in an Image Gallery module for K2 and has its popularity among Joomla extensions.

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