SM CartPro

Views: 1139 Added Date: 18 September 2013 magentech Like
Magento Extension: SM CartPro

CMS: Magento Version: 1.5 Type: module Extension Topic: Shopping Cart

SM CartPro offers a convenience way to enhance your customer’s shopping process. This module helps your customer can easily add, remove and update products throughout the immediate interaction with the box cart. Specially, the module supports Ajax to add items, so your customers don’t need to reload the page.

Moreover, your customers can choose to continue shopping or checkout right away after adding product to cart in the product page. Along with adding product to cart, this module also supports add to wishlist page, add to compare.

And the last but not least, SM CartPro supports all Magento product types, including simple, configuration, bundle, grouped, virtual and bundle products. This module would be a must have extension in your Magento e-commerce store to increase more sales.

Let's take a SM CartPro tour and you'll love it!

# Main Features
1. Support Magento 1.7.x
2. Fully compatible with IE8+, Firefox 2+, Flock 0.7+, Netscape, Safari, Opera 9.5 and Chrome
3. Support to add products to cart from the product list pages via pop-up forms
4. Easy to add, edit, delete, remove products which have been added to cart
5. Allow customers to add product to cart and choose its options (quantity, site, color…) right from Product Listed page, without going to Product page
6. Update product’s options without going back to product page and update cart without page refreshing
7. Add a product to wish list and comparison list using Ajax
8. Support 6 product types: configuration, bundle, grouped, virtual,and bundle products
9. Allow to enable/disable CartPro Module, Ajax Cart, Ajax for Compare, Ajax for Wishlist, Ajax for Update
10. Allow to display confirm box or not
11. Support to set waiting time to showoff Confirmed Box
12. Allow to set display item in confirm box or not
13. Allow to display cart pro box or not
14. Allow to set effect selector, effect toggle, effect duration for Mini CartPro Box
15. Support to show product info: image, title, description, price, rating summary, quality
16. Support to change thumbnail height, thumbnail width
17. Allow to add links for images and titles of products as well as strip HTML from descriptions
18. Allow to change max length of title/description of products
19. Allow to set link target: Same Window, New Window, Popup Window
20. Support Multi-Module in the same page

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