Magento Customer Attributes Extension by FME

Views: 838 Added Date: 01 December 2016 paulstanely Like
Magento Extension: Magento Customer Attributes Extension by FME

CMS: Magento Version: 1.9 Type: extension Extension Topic: Admin Desk

FME Customer Registration Attributes is a powerful Magento extension to get the necessary data directly from your customers in an easy way. You can add custom fields to Magento registration form & accounts form. This customer registration fields extension supports multiple types of fields like: Text Field, Text Area, Date, Drop Down, Radio buttons, check box fields and many more.


Key Features


 - Add Custom Fields on Registration/Account Page

 - Upload Image/Files

 - Set Field Position and Validate Input

 - Restrict Custom Fields by Customer Groups

 - Hide Custom Fields


More Info: Magento Customer Attributes

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